Sunday, July 20, 2008

Going out of business

Well, all good things must come to an end.
Not that this blog was a good thing, that would sound like I'm pretty high on myself and really nothing could be further from the truth.
I don't have the motivation to sketch, to scan these sketches, and then post them.
I really don't want to write about my life anymore, because its very obvious that there are only a select few people who read this and those people obviously choose to pick over the words, pull out what they'd like to see and stretch what they've taken in order to further their causes.
Without going into much detail, its safe to say that people that considered themselves close to me have hurt me so deeply that no amount of 'I'm sorry's could ever replace the betrayal that I feel. After being pushed away and being used as a tool to make others feel better about themselves for such a long time, I think I finally need to start asserting myself rather than getting angry for expecting these people to understand that what they are doing is selfish and hurtful to the relationship.
Anyway, enough.
This blog is going to be closed from today on. Thank you to everyone who'd read it and commented on it. Thank you to those that offered some really constructive criticism that allowed me to learn some things about the way I sketch and helped me to become a little bit better at something I love to do. And thank you for those of you who have helped me make the decision to close this blog. You've made a realize a lot more about you and myself than anything else.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Marching Forward . . .

Since October, I feel like I've been on a constant mudslide of action and emotion.
My son has been born, Riley has been the best little Big Sister I've ever seen and I've been designing, teaching and sketching as much as I can, which for the most part isn't much.
I did have some terrible things happen here, that have caused some shaky emotional issues and I don't know that I'd feel comfortable talking about them here on the Internets.
Sufficed to say, I no longer believe in what justice is or what it does for society in regards to protecting children and what's best for them.
I'll post some sketches here, but my heart really isn't in them. It's in my children and the family I have in my home.
I'll miss it.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Wow. Feast or famine is right.

Man, does it seem to be at times that either you stand around with nothing to do, only to complain a little while later at the amount of stuff that you now really DO have to do?
It seems like one of those cycles for me.
Logos, some sketches, a brochure, which I am DAMN proud of, a menu, some seriously great freelance work, and a substitute teaching job to boot.
Yep, I am now one of the educating faculty that stands in front of the children of the South Coast, Fall River to be exact, and influences their collective thought process. When called and asked, of course.
I enjoy it and definitely don't abuse it. I see now what K-Rod means when she says that she and all journalists and radio show hosts have a certain responsibility to those that listen to them and that it shouldn't be taken lightly.
I find time to draw, to sketch, write, create in general. I don't get to sketch with Rye as much as I'd like anymore. I miss those days.
Usually, when I see her its a flurry of weekend activity and preparing to travel to Boston, or around the South Coast.
Hmmm . . . maybe I should pick her up a sketchbook and a set of some sketching pencils and see what she and I can do on the road? Problem solved, I guess.
Anyway, here are a few of the things that I've been doing for myself and others.
As usual, feel free to comment, but in commenting you have to let me know why you comment that way.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Being Free

Well, sometimes a little bit of time off is a good thing.
I'd been working hard at the magazine, working on some freelance stuff, and getting a bunch of my own sketches going as of late.
Being busy a lot is not only tiring and maddening, but also very quickly paced!
I cannot remember for the life of me when it was that I went to beach this summer!
Ah, I've got a few days left until summer's over, don't I?
Anyway, more sketches, but not all of them, just a few.
I pretty much sketch everyday now, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist and don't want people too see my crappy work.
Feel free to critique, but make sure you let me know why you think the way that you do about those images and critiques. Believe it or not, it helps.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer is Here!

Adventure abound as our hero is awash in busyness in his daily professional life that overtakes his personal life at times!
In all seriousness, I don't mind. The only time I'm not too fond of it is when it takes time away from me, Riley and Keri. Other than that, its all ducky.
What I decided to post this time is a few sketches where I decided to play around with some pens and a marker or two. Prismacolor, Pentel, Rotoring, and a Pitt pen.
There are two covers of the four magazines that I've wrangled to get done. Those were HECTIC! Great magazine, BTW, I completely recommend it to anyone travelling in or around the Newport area. The others are a logos that I'm working on.
Shhh!! I'm building a website for a web strip that I'm getting done.
Well, its really for my freelance work, my resume, some samples, and a link to the web strip as a plus.
As usual, enjoy these, and feel free to leave a comment!
Eighty-Ohs and enjoy the surf while it lasts!

Summer in the City

Well, I've tried to keep my pencil busy. Lord knows I have. The magazine that I work for has been keeping me blissfully happy. All of this responsibility and planning for shoots, getting images ready for production, assisting in the design process and planning future issues and layouts keeps me a bit busy professionally. Granted, its scheduled for three days a week, but those days are full and more often than not, I'm being asked to come in on my days off, which takes away from my little girl for a bit longer than I'd like, but it will more than pay off in the long run.
On the personal front, I've tried to sketch as much as possible, I've gotten some things done. I'm in the process of working out a web strip, halfway through a professional website which I plan on linking the web strip through, and that stuff is getting done when I get spare moments, and when Rye is sleeping.
Anyway, here are some of the new sketches. Experiments mostly with pens and some markers. I'm also posting a logo that I'm working on for a local political group as well as the logo I'm thinking up for the website. Lots of sketches, logos, oh yeah the covers from two of the four magazines that I've been working on lately. As always, enjoy and feel free to comment. All I ask is for the reasoning behind your comments.
Oh, and have a great summer!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Three months is a long time!

I realize that if I just write that I've been very busy, that it just won't sit well with you. Three months is just a long time to Not see anything of substantial progress, regarding sketches.
Things have been pretty busy, though. Between best friends telling me that I'm dead to them and siding with whatever people are pouring poison in their ears, between ex wives acting like they're sixteen and NOT doing what's in the best interest of our daughter, between getting a great job at a magazine as an Art Editor, and becoming closer with a fantastic woman who's doggedly determined to save me from my own self, between getting closer to long lost friends and regaining a modicum of stability in my life, I've been busy.
That's not to say that I haven't been drawing or writing, because I have. Nine stand alone one pager ideas, three new story ideas for my epic Skies Over Gutenberg book, a few freelance jobs, creating logos for a podcast, as well as some political campaign signs for local mayoral candidates, all while being one of the Editing staff members, for what I consider to be an AMAZING magazine.
Well, I'm going to post some, some of the images that I've worked on in the past three months. Feel free to write some critiques of those images, and I hope you enjoy!
I know I haven't thanked anyone for stopping by, so thanks for stopping by. I truly enjoy getting critiques from people in the field.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A New Year Dawning

Well, a new year is waking up and its shaping up pretty nice. I got some pretty nice sketches brewing, a new job, two new projects in the works that I'm planning to watch over in Philly, when they go to sell, (SHHH! Don't tell!)
And a few things I'd like to share with this blog.
My sketches for this sketchbook blog are going to become a bit more adult at times.
The reason being is that recent drama has made my skies darker, in that my little ray of sunshine doesn't come aroud so much anymore. OF course it makes me sad, and the idea of telling millions of unknown faces something this person and showing this pain kinda is making me tear up, but neither hither or yon.
The requests for her sketches aren't as often, because we're usually hugging or doing something to keep her smiling and my heart beating.
Anywho, here are a few sketches for you, tell me how much they suck or don't, but more importantly, tell me why. No one can learn from a mistake if you only point it out, you hae to let them know what the mistake is my friend.
Big Luv to my family of friends, and a permamnent kiss to my little Princess. We'll always have camp outs and snuggle times, no matter where your heart is, its always with me.