Three months is a long time!
I realize that if I just write that I've been very busy, that it just won't sit well with you. Three months is just a long time to Not see anything of substantial progress, regarding sketches.
Things have been pretty busy, though. Between best friends telling me that I'm dead to them and siding with whatever people are pouring poison in their ears, between ex wives acting like they're sixteen and NOT doing what's in the best interest of our daughter, between getting a great job at a magazine as an Art Editor, and becoming closer with a fantastic woman who's doggedly determined to save me from my own self, between getting closer to long lost friends and regaining a modicum of stability in my life, I've been busy.
That's not to say that I haven't been drawing or writing, because I have. Nine stand alone one pager ideas, three new story ideas for my epic Skies Over Gutenberg book, a few freelance jobs, creating logos for a podcast, as well as some political campaign signs for local mayoral candidates, all while being one of the Editing staff members, for what I consider to be an AMAZING magazine.
Well, I'm going to post some, some of the images that I've worked on in the past three months. Feel free to write some critiques of those images, and I hope you enjoy!
I know I haven't thanked anyone for stopping by, so thanks for stopping by. I truly enjoy getting critiques from people in the field.